My ARPS Journey

Steven recounts the “ups ‘n’ downs” of how he was awarded his Licentiate Distinction by the Royal Photographic Society. Steven explains the lessons learnt from his initial failure, together with his nerve-wracking 2nd attempt! He discusses his fascinating post-LRPS journey, seeking a direction to take him towards his Associate Distinction.

Steven then discusses the definition, history, uses, and general guidelines regarding panels, before delving into his strange and surreal ARPS journey, where his “A” panel eventually found him. He explains how to deliberately create discordant images in a serendipitous way, accidently on purpose, that remarkably work harmoniously as a panel.

The talk is designed to be given in a 2 hour period with a 10 minute tea break, and has the following structure:

Plenty of large prints to be viewed at the start of the evening and during the tea break.

Email Talks@StevenGalvin.Photography for more details.