How to Cheat at Photography

This provocatively entitled talk allows Steven to confess his sordid kiss ‘n’ tell secrets.  He demonstrates various techniques on how to unfairly manipulate images by displaying and discussing examples to show how his more outrageous images were “manufactured”.

A lively and enjoyable evening to be had by all.  Rotten eggs and ripe tomatoes at the ready!

The talk is designed to be given in a 2 hour period with a 10 minute tea break, and has the following structure:

Before the breakAfter the break
  • Introduction – bio’, why do it, workflows, and definitions.
  • Quick-fire Quiz – can the audience spot any cheating and if so what “airbrushing” has been employed?
  • A brief history of cheating, from the advent of photography through to present day examples.
  • A glimpse of what the future beholds!
  • Steven’s cheating examples, covering various concepts, scenarious and techniques.
  • More of Steven’s cheating examples, covering more advanced concepts, scenarious, and techniques.
  • Steven’s non-cheating examples, just to prove he doesn’t always fiddle ‘n’ diddle.
  • Final thoughts, including being fooled, ethics vs aesthetics, and what’s the limits.

Plenty of large prints to be viewed at the start of the evening and during the tea break.

Email Talks@StevenGalvin.Photography for more details.